Project Summary
Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities get a lot of support while they are in school. School is the place to access services, make friends, and plan for the future. But when young people graduate from high school and transition to adulthood, much of that support goes away. This sudden loss of support services and community is known as a “service cliff.”

It becomes up to the individual with IDD and their family to find opportunities and use community support that will help them reach their adult goals. It can be very complicated.
The goal of Work Together NC is to help individuals find the community supports they need to transition and grow as adults. This might include finding a job or a place to volunteer, postsecondary education, housing, social and recreational opportunities, and more.

We help individuals, families, service provider organizations, and employers work together, so that transitioning to adulthood can be a better experience for all.
View Our Common Agenda, created by and for our Community Collaborative.
This project is supported, in part by grant number 90DNCE0006 from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201.
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