Find Services > Alliance of Disability Advocates

Daily Living Supports, Transition Planning, Advocacy

Alliance of Disability Advocates

Durham & Wake County

Services/Programs Description

ADA strives to enable people to with any disabilities to fully participate in their communities without boundaries in the Raleigh-Durham and surrounding area. They offer advocacy, disaster response, independent living services, information and referrals, peer support, reentry, and transition support.


You can become involved by donating towards the organization or you can apply to become employed through the qualifications of having life experience with a disability (including mental illness) being highly preferred. Other qualifications include, demonstrated independent living and community inclusion skills in their own life, proficient communication skills, experience in disability advocacy, proficient public etiquette, and effective leadership qualities. You can also become a volunteer.


No cost listed

Phone Number(s)

Phone: 919-833-1117 TTY: 919-833-1171

Work Together NC
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