Resources > Think College Search Tool – Find a College Program That’s Right for You!

Think College Search Tool – Find a College Program That’s Right for You!

What is this resource?

Think College Search is a searchable online database of 312 colleges and universities that offer postsecondary education programs for students with an intellectual disability. Users can filter by state, length of program, type of school, options for living on campus, and more.

Español: Think College Search es una base de datos en línea de 312 colegios y universidades que ofrecen programas de educación postsecundaria para estudiantes con discapacidad intelectual. Puede filtrar por estado, duración del programa, tipo de escuela, opciones para vivir en el campus y más

How to use

Use this tool to help parents and individuals ID/DD find colleges and universities that fit their needs and wants. Think College is a national resource and advocacy organization for Inclusive Postsecondary Education. Check out the college programs in North Carolina

Español: Use esta herramienta para ayudar a los padres y personas ID/DD a encontrar colegios y universidades que se ajusten a sus necesidades y deseos. Think College es una organización nacional de recursos y defensa de la educación postsecundaria inclusiva. Consulta los programas universitarios en Carolina del Norte.

Resource Type(s):  Website

Resource Topic(s):  Education & Training after High School

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