Resources > A Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS)

A Plan for Achieving Self Support (PASS)

What is this resource?

Information about Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS) which is an SSI/social security incentive for those looking to achieve their work goals

Español: Información sobre Plan to Achieve Self Support (PASS), que es una iniciativa de SSI/seguridad social para quienes buscan alcanzar sus metas laborales

How to use

Learn about the requirements and eligibility criteria for PASS, which can help fund continued education, training, or business start-up costs

Español: Conozca los requisitos y los criterios de elegibilidad para PASS, que pueden ayudar a financiar la educación continua, la capacitación o los costos de inicio de negocios

Resource Type(s):  Website

Resource Topic(s):  Education & Training after High School

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