Find Services > Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults

Daily Living Supports, Housing

Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults


Services/Programs Description

Adult day health, Personal care aide, Home accessibility and adaptation, Meal preparation and delivery, Institutional respite services, Non-institutional respite services, Personal Emergency Response Services,, Specialized medical equipment and supplies, Participant goods and services, Community transition services, Training, education and consultative services, Assistive technology, Case management
Care advisor (CAP/Choice only), Personal assistant (CAP/Choice only), Financial management services (CAP/Choice only)


1) Children from zero to 20 years of age who are
medically fragile and have a reasonable indication of
need for home- and community-based services to
maintain their community placement are eligible for
the Community Alternatives Program for Children

2) Adults with disabilities who are 18 years or older & at risk of institutionalization. The services are intended for situations where no individual, agency, or third party payer is able or willing to meet all needs of the beneficiary.


The waiver program provides a cost-effective alternative to institutionalization for a Medicaid beneficiary who is medically fragile and at risk for institutionalization if home- and community-bases services approved in the CAP/DA waiver were not available. CAP/DA services allow the beneficiary to remain in or return to a home- and community-based setting by supplementing, rather than replacing, the formal and informal services and supports already available to an approved Medicaid beneficiary.

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