Find Services > Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – SOAR Program

Post-Secondary Education

Rowan-Cabarrus Community College – SOAR Program

Salisbury (Rowan & Cabarrus county)

Services/Programs Description

Skills, Opportunity, Awareness, Readiness (S.O.A.R.) is a community college program designed specifically for adults with intellectual disabilities. The focus of the program is on helping the individual become more independent and self-directing by acquiring basic literacy and life skills needed to function successfully in daily living.

Classes are built around the student’s strengths and goals. The curriculum covers functional academics, community living, health and safety, leisure activities and humanities. Students have computers and other technology available. They take part in campus and community activities.


18 or older; not enrolled in the public school system; and be (a) diagnosed with an intellectual disability or (b) functioning on that level because of a head injury or brain damage.

Students must achieve a minimum test score to be considered for enrollment and demonstrate progress in order to remain in the classes. Instructors cannot provide assistance with activities of daily living.


Free (offered at North Campus and South Campus locations)

Phone Number(s)



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